Monday, 16 November 2015

Monday 16th - Week 3

Monday 16th November 2015

In this lesson, we began by working on our blogs. Then we went to the classroom and did a warm up to help the group who are devising the scene 'North Korea'. In a circle one person started a movement and everyone had to copy. Once the person who is next to them sees that everyone is copying the movement, they change it and so on. This helps to create the controlled physicality of a soldier/guard which is necessary for their scene.

In our group we spoke about our performance. We started by going through the scene, which takes place in the space of a day on a street in India. The piece does not tell a story because we feel as though that would not be as immersive as 'stepping' into a street, with the smells and sounds. There will still be true stories written on the wall, with a simple rag-dolls to represent that child, however, we want to have as little story telling speech as possible.

We then asked for everyone to contribute ideas and thoughts to the group. Mainly, everyone thought the use of soundscape and immersive smells and sounds went with our idea for the devising piece. To make sure the audience move through the 'street', we have made the decision to have my character run and steel something from Aarons stall and run away. This gives him reason to say move along or 'get lost' to the audience through his annoyance, so they will move along and see the rest of the performance. The piece will contain the techniques of a soundscape (for the sounds of traffic), a video which will be behind the cardboard (pre-filmed) which the audience will have ti look through a gap to see. The video will contain a more disturbing side of what happens to children living on the streets. It is most likely to be a video of someone's face in the dark saying ' is he gone yet', allowing the audience to use their imaginations. The scene will also contain a freeze-frame when the girl is being taken by the human trafficker and also physical theatre. We are hoping to use silhouettes behind the 'walls' which are sheets, showing the girl being taken. This will have the sound of a heartbeat behind it and the 'community' of street kids will breath deeply in time to heart beat (so their movement is visible). This will be effective because it builds tension in the room as well as concluding our scene.

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